Wedding at Marleybrook House // Krystyna and Craig

Krystyna and Craig’s wedding at Marleybrook House, complete with an incredible vintage fairground, was just amazing. From the elegant ceremony outside the quaint 17th-century ‘chocolate box’ thatched house to the awesome funfair, this was one very cool wedding day. Check it all out below.

First names: Krystyna & Craig
Ages: 29 & 30
Wedding date: 30th July 2021
Venue: Marleybrook House, Stourmouth Rd, Preston, Canterbury CT3 1HP

How did you guys meet, tell me all?
We met on a night out in Rochester through mutual friends. Craig made the first move and asked me what my name was and in my intoxicated state I replied ‘Krystyna, I bet you can’t spell it!!’ which he still never lets me forget even now! I must have done something right, as he messaged me the next day and it went on from there. We went on our first date to Nandos (a regular place we love to eat) and onto the cinema to watch a scary film. Eventually, after nine months he made it official and asked me to be his girlfriend.

How did you get engaged, is there a cool story?
The day was based around a scavenger hunt where each riddle she completed led to another clue. It started for Krystyna in the morning at our house and led us both to lunch and the cinema (reminiscent of our first date) where two further clues were delivered to her. This was followed by an escape room with the end result (providing we did escape!) being the next clue, which directed us to a nice spa hotel. The proposal came at the dinner table in the evening which was nice with just a few other tables present to congratulate us.

What made you choose your wedding venue, did you look at many?
We looked at a few but as soon as we walked around Marleybrook we knew it was the one, and booked a date just a few days later. The main attraction for us was all the different aspects and areas of the venue – and of course the fair ground!

What was the inspiration/theme of your wedding?
We love the idea of the fair ground as we are both very family orientated and have a little girl ourselves, so know this will bring happiness and excitement to everyone who attends.

What is your first song and why?
“Like I’m Gonna Lose You” by Jasmine Thompson
The lyrics describe how lucky we are to have each other, and to not take it for granted.

What would be your number one tip to other couples planning their wedding?
The last 6 – 8 weeks are hectic for finalising arrangements, and it goes quick! Don’t leave yourself lots to do, thinking you still have plenty of time – especially when just coming out of a pandemic.

Check out Krystyna and Craig’s Wedding at Marleybrook House below.

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The photography: All images captured with two Fujifilm X-T3 cameras.
Fujinon XF 16mm f1.4 R WR, Fujinon XF 23mm f1.4 R, Fujinon XF 35mm f1.4 R and Fujinon XF 56mm f1.2.

Other awesome suppliers who helped during Krystyna and Craig’s Wedding at Marleybrook House.

Hair stylist: Ashleigh Buntings Hair

Make-up artist: Emma Heath
Website: Instagram @hdbrows_emma

Brides dress: Alta Costura

Bridesmaids dresses: Shein

Suits: Moss Bross

Florist: Ginger Lily

Cake: Rebakers Cakes

Caterer: Scott Anderson