Hello and welcome to my all new and shiny website! I felt like I needed a change and change I did. This new platform is in its infancy but within the year, it will be filled with all the amazing weddings I have photographed over the last year and more.
The blog will be alive with news, views and shoots where you will have your chance to comment and have your say. I want this to be about you more than just me displaying my portfolio. This will be an interactive experience for us all, so we can all join in the fun of wedding planning.
I have a fair few blog posts I wrote over the last 18 months that I will in time transfer over. It may re-ignite some controversial topics and give some amazing weddings I had the pleasure of photographing the chance to shine once again.
Since the design process of this new site started, I have been featured in Kent Wedding Magazine and Rock n Roll Bride. Both weddings amazing in their own and very different right.
One was earthy, traditional and cool, while the other was a steampunk neo-victorain extravaganza! I will blog these 2 weddings very soon.
Until then, go to the top, click home and have a look around. If you get time, leave me comment with things you would like to see, ideas you may have or just a plain and simple hello – I love chatting to you all with all your amazing wedding ideas.