Planning For Your Wedding Photography – Bridal Preparation

Bridal Preparation can be exciting, nervous, and a whole heap of fun! It’s the part of the day that starts the whole thing off. It’s a time for you to be with your best friends! It’s the time for champers darling…

Bridal preparation

In this blog post I will be looking at this important part of your day. How to react, what to know and how to get the best pictures possible!

When I usually walk through the door, I usually hear giggling, screaming, laughing. I always get the buzz. I instantly feel the atmosphere, the anticipation.

Most couples pick to have this photographed. My wife and I certainly did! It’s a great part of the day and is missed by your future husband. So its good for not only you to look over, but he will see it with new eyes, and gleaming smile. Its a magical part of the day that should not be missed. It is the moment you realise your childhood dreams are happening and you are with your best friends to remember it. It’s incredibly special.

For me, it’s a great time to meet the family. To watch the interaction between you all and as avid people watcher, its a very enjoyable time for me. I’m a people person, I love to meet people and I love to watch from a far the social interaction between best friends and between family.

For me, I like to bring my silent feet, and slip in and out of your conversations, your slight looks and massive smiles. I like to work unobtrusively during this part of the day, taking candid shots of you all. This can involve capturing you sipping champagne, eating biscuits, getting your makeup done or getting into your outfit.

So… I guess you would like to hear some tips, to help you get the most out of this part of the day! These tips will of course help with me, or any other photographer you have booked.

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Bridal preparation top tips!

Start time for a photographer

I’ll be honest, I can only speak for me here. I hear different things from different photographers, but by and large I like to turn up two and a half hours before your ceremony. This isn’t always to photograph, but actually get a feel for the atmosphere, and to become a silent member of the day. I want you and your family/friends to feel like I am a member of your party, and to feel like a friend in the room.

The room to get ready in

I would advise a room that has a large window. Why you ask? This is because, photography works with light. The light goes through the lens into the camera and creates the pictures. If you have a limited amount of natural light, your pictures will have a different look. Don’t panic however, as any photographer worth his or her salt can photograph anywhere. In light, dark or dim conditions. But to get the most out of your preparations, think about light.

Another thing to consider is space. If you choose to get ready in a crowded room, facing a wall holding a mirror, then the photographer will not be able to photograph you. Think about space around you. Try and sit more central in a room, facing a window. This way your photographer can move around and capture better images.

Tidy room

Think about how the pictures are going to look. Not just now, nut in 25 years time, when you show the grandchildren. Are you going to be embarrassed by the amount on ‘stuff’ on the floors, on the shelves and on the bed etc. If you are in a hotel room, its very different and you will have a clutter free room. But if you are in your own house, think about having a tidy up a few days before. Less clutter, looks better in pictures.

All the details

I photograph all the details at the very start of a wedding. I like to photograph the dress, shoes, flowers etc at the very beginning. This is so I don’t hold you up later when you want to put on your dress and try on your favorite shoes from shoe hero. This also helps me learn the mood of the wedding party, hear stories and incorporate myself into your wedding.

What will you wear to be photographed in

I normally turn up to the beginning of a wedding and the bride and bridesmaids are in a dressing gown. Whether this is especially made for the wedding, or your won normal one, it does not matter. But, make sure you are wearing something you don’t mind being photographed in. We don’t want to take all these amazing pictures, for you to not want them to go public because you are in your best Care Bears outfit.


Ask your bridesmaids and family to get ready first. You will want them in the images as you are getting in your bridal dress and you will want them in the right outfits for the images. We don’t want to be waiting and wasting valuable time while we wait for bridesmaids.

Getting into the dress!

As a male photographer, I don’t sit in the room while you get undressed. Of course not. I leave you and your bridesmaids to get ready in comfort. I only ask that once you are in the dress and covered up, I can return to photograph you being zipped or tied up. It’s always a great image. I’ve photographed some amazing images of this moment.

I am always sensitive to anyone who has issues with parts of their body. So if they wish to not have this photographed, or wish to not have certain parts of their body in an image, I comply without any fuss. I can always outside until you are more covered up.

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You need more time than you think

I advise being ready 45 minutes before you are due to leave! I can hear you now… “what!!” The reason for this is so I can have 15 minutes with you to take some nice images of you and then you and the bridesmaids. Then, that gives me a 30 minute head start to head to the ceremony and photograph the Groom and his Ushers and to try and photograph some of the guests arriving. All this is in preparation of you arriving and getting the best story for your album. Plus it gives you another 30 minutes to have a glass of champers with your friends and family before you leave. Bare in mind, I have never been to a wedding where a bride is running to time!


Not very wedding photography related, but I recommend eating a good hearty breakfast. If you don’t you will be very hungry until around 3/4pm when you finally get to sit and eat. If you are drinking champagne, and other things, this may have more of an effect on you than normal. In the excitement of it all, you may not fancy eating to much. But, as a little tip, eat and eat well.

Lastly, enjoy your morning!

To quote a film, “Chill Winston”. Make sure you are relaxed and enjoy the morning. The whole day absolutely flies by, believe me! So, chill out, relax and enjoy being pampered. If there is any issue, make sure you have a dedicated bridesmaid to deal with anything. Most importantly, this is a time to hang out with your friends and family and have a blast.

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I am a Kent wedding photographer who has been featured within Your Kent Wedding Magazine, Rock n Roll Bride and Your Sussex Wedding Magazine, with images also published in the The Daily Mail, The Telegraph, The Independent, The News Of The World and many other large newspapers and magazines.

Interested in booking me as your wedding photographer? Click ‘Contact Me’ at the bottom of this page to enquire about prices and availability.

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