First Dance Selfie – Why I Love This Picture!

The first dance is great and every wedding has a different feel, different style, different song. First dances attract different reactions from the onlooking crowd. Some will just stand there, some will dance in the background, some will get a drink at the bar and some get all teary eyed as the special couple enjoy their dance.

This wedding had an exceptionally fun crowd of people who nearly all knew each other from many years ago. I noticed in the corner of my eye, as the couple were dancing, three old school friends photographing a selfie! So, I switched my attention and include them in the image. I clicked the shutter and this was the outcome.

I simply love this picture. The expression of the groom, with his big smile looking at his three friends is priceless. The girls taking the selfie are concentrating intently on the phone they they are missing the groom watching on from the dance floor. I think this image tells a story. It shows a beautiful moment between the newly married couple, but also how these guests were enjoying the moment, in their own way. The whole scene is brilliant and creates a great picture.

What do think of this picture? What does it say to you? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

The First Dance

I am a Kent wedding photographer who has been featured within Your Kent Wedding Magazine, Rock n Roll Bride and Your Sussex Wedding Magazine, with images also published in the The Daily Mail, The Telegraph, The Independent, The News Of The World and many other large newspapers and magazines.

Interested in booking me as your wedding photographer? Click ‘Contact Me’ at the bottom of this page to enquire about prices and availability.

Wedding Industry Awards 2015


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