Here is a list of available dates for your engagement shoot. Please choose the date that best suits you and let me know as soon as possible as popular dates go very quickly.
Please try and arrange your engagement shoot at least 3-4 weeks before your wedding day. If it’s organised after this, due to turnaround times, you may not get the engagement pictures back before the wedding. So please allow 20 days at the very minimum. Each shoot will take place at 10am on the chosen date.
I recommend you choose a different location to your wedding venue and try and make it as natural as possible. i.e. Man made parks with flat grass and flower beds don’t look visually exciting. Whereas as a natural country park, or woodland has a more wild, interesting feel. Even just mooching through an old town can look pretty cool. Is there a place that means something to you both? Is there a town or city you both love, or are you more of country people. I’m a fan of the alternative, so if there is a place you know will look really cool in pictures, let me know.
As the shoot is about you both as a couple, about how you interact with each other and getting comfortable with me as your photographer, I ask you leave your little ones, any family members and pets at home.
Once you have chosen a specific date that is available, please scroll to the bottom of this page and fill in the form. I’ll then confirm that the date has been saved for you. If you have any issues, drop me an email to
So, here is a list of current free dates.
Pre-Wedding Shoot Availability
Please be aware, dates between June and October are limited due to the wedding season.
Simply pick a date and fill in the form below.
19th April – Carly Lewis
1st May – Rebecca Janman
2nd May
3rd May
4th May
5th May
6th May
7th May
8th May
9th May
10th May
11th May
12th May
13th May
14th May
18th May
19th May
20th May
27th May
28th May
4th June – Rachel Stubbs
5th June
6th June – Caroline Walker
7th June
8th June
9th June
10th June
11th June – Justine O’Hare
6th July
7th July
8th July
13th July
14th July
15th July
21st July
22nd July
23rd July
26th July
27th July
August to December dates coming soon
Booking Form
Now you have your chosen date, fill in the form below and don’t forget your full name, preferably the name you originally booked with. I will then check the calendar to make sure nothing has come through in the meantime and then confirm by email.
[pp_form id=”aac9d7d5-ae4d-4c1b-aa03-7dc59bf3eae0″]